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Cofrajarea conturului zonelor ce urmeaza a fi turnate.
Se cofrajeaza toata zona, stabilita in pralabil, cu cofraje flexibile si demontabile, acestea putand fi montate in toate formele dorite. In interiorul trasat de cofraje se va turna betonul, intr-o...
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Oferta speciala perioada martie-aprilie
250.00 Ron

Materiale Beton Decorativ
Solutii Patare Beton (Stain)
4oz Newlook Concrete Stain

4oz Newlook Concrete Stain

Newlook is enhancing the image of concrete with its eco-friendly, water-based, non-acid, non-acrylic Concrete Colour Stains. They are completely opaque, extremely maintainable, breathable, and will not change the texture of the concrete. These Colour Stains were developed to fix common concrete color problems like discolored, blotchy or stained concrete, wrong colors, failed acid-stain, and more! Newlook's family of Concrete Colour Stains provide endless possibilities in coloring and finishing concrete. Complex designs and patterns can be achieved using stencils or free hand providing you have a level of artistic flair.
4oz Newlook Concrete Stain
4oz Newlook Concrete Stain

Cod: 16
Pret: 0.00 Ron
Adauga produsul acesta in cosul de cumparaturi precizand cantitatea in campul de mai jos...

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